Leadership Lessons from Princess Leia
Carrie Fisher’s iconic Star Wars role as Princess Leia has made such a tremendous impact on so many. I think the core reason is that she defied and redefined what it means to be a Princess. While many identify her as an icon for empowering women as leaders, these lessons are for every aspiring leader, male and female.
Transcend Your Entitlement
Leia was born a Princess, but I don’t think she thought of herself that way. When she introduces herself to Darth Vader, she calls herself “a member of the Imperial Senate” not “the Princess of Alderaan.” As good as that is, it doesn’t change what everyone else thinks. Han stereotypes the heck out of her, and mockingly calls her “Your Worshipfulness” and other derivatives. She doesn’t play the game of wits and take the bait, nor does she get defensive. She just does what she does best, and leads. Sure, Han gets the best of her sometimes, but she quickly resets to her true identity of empowered leader, not defensive and entitled Princess.
Get Your Hands Dirty
Luke and Han successfully free Leia from the Imperial prison cell, but failed to bring an exit strategy. That’s where Leia shines. Her first act of leadership? “Someone has to save our skins. Into the garbage chute, fly boy.” Later when Han has trouble starting the Millennium Falcon, she sarcastically jabs, “Would it help if I got out and pushed?” Leia is right in the action at all times, not sitting on the sidelines. She wields a blaster and gets shot in the arm (the only time a Stormtrooper actually hit someone). Leia isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. In fact, she prefers them that way.
Lead with Feeling
Leia isn’t led by her emotions; she knows how to keep a cool head. That doesn’t stop her from letting her emotions fuel her leadership at the right times. She is warm and kind. This engenders willing followership among her friends and across the Rebellion.
Lead with Strategy
Leia takes command of the Alliance pilots on Hoth, giving them a clear strategy and game-plan for their mission. When a pilot expresses fear regarding their odds, “two fighters against a star destroyer?” she doesn’t just say “it’ll all be ok.” Instead she has a plan: “the ion cannon will fire several shots to make sure that any enemy ships will be out of your flight path.” Watch the brief scene here.
Lead with Poise
The tables are turned in Return of the Jedi when Leia is the one tasked with rescuing Han from Jabba’s palace. She impersonates the bounty hunter, Boushh. This isn’t just about putting on a costume. She runs a live negotiation with Jabba, complete with a credible threat to blow-up the place. Given that Jabba has a 1000 years of experience dealing with bounty hunters, and this is probably Leia’s first run at it, she does an incredibly convincing and cunning job.
Don’t be a Victim
Unfortunately, Han’s rescue attempt failed and Leia got enslaved by Jabba in a terribly humiliating way. This is more than a set-back, it’s a total reversal and utter failure. While Leia couldn’t change her circumstances, she refused to be defined by them. Her resolve was strong and she didn’t see herself as a slave or a failure. Because she retained her identity as a leader, when the opportunity presented itself, she choked her captor to death with the very chain that bound her.
Those are my leadership lessons from Princess Leia. Good reminders for all of us, without a doubt. While Carrie Fisher has tragically passed on, let’s remember the empowered leader she portrayed that forever changed what it means to be a Princess. Please share your thoughts in the comments below and share this article with your colleagues.