Technology Team Acting like Mutants? Lead like Professor X

Technology Team Acting like Mutants? Lead like Professor X

I love the world of the X-Men. There are two groups of people on the planet: normal humans, and mutants. Mutants have superpowers. The fact that they have superpowers means they are treated like freaks and are therefore outcast from society. Most withdraw completely, or find creative ways to hide their differences and blend in.

Technology geeks have some similarities. It’s usually quite obvious that they don’t quite fit in with the business crowd. They also have technical superpowers. Of course, there’s no magic here, but to the business world, a skilled technologist working their craft is nothing short of miraculous.

Xavier’s school for gifted youngsters

Professor Charles Xavier looked at the world and wanted to change it for the better. He saw mutants being persecuted and their talents squandered. He created a boarding school just for mutants and recruited them to join him there. He created a safe place of community where being a mutant was okay.

What does your office environment look like? Does the IT department area look like any other business area? Without reading signs can you tell if you wandered from Accounting to IT? If not, then you might not have a good space for IT. Technology geeks do well when they feel like their work space reflects the geek subculture. They can be themselves and do their best work. I wrote an entire article on this subject. Please check it out here.

Raw power needs to be refined

Once Professor X has assembled his student body, he began teaching them to refine their superpowers. Most of them needed a lot of practice to focus and control their powers. Over time, each of them made significant gains in poise and potency.

How are you doing this for your team of technology geeks? If they weren’t talented you wouldn’t have hired them, but they all need further development. Make training a priority both in your schedule and your budget. Take a look here for ideas on how to train your team.

It’s all about the team

Professor X knows that mutants on their own aren’t very effective up against the challenges of the world. Only when they combine their strengths and leverage the diversity of their superpowers can they defeat their enemies and save the day.

How do you leverage the diversity of skills on your team? Have you positioned everyone effectively to work together towards your shared goals? Technology geeks working alone are often clumsy and ineffective. A well-assembled team is an unstoppable force to solve business problems, disrupt markets, and innovate.

So, the next time one of your team members goes on a rampage like Wolverine, stop and ask, “What would Professor X do?” Create community, develop talent, and work as a team.

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