Welcome to Zach on Leadership!

Welcome to Zach on Leadership!

I decided to start a blog. It’s about how to be a better leader in Enterprise Technology. I’m not an expert. I’m a learner. I’m a leadership practitioner. I have learned a lot and I’ve achieved some success. Not overnight, but over time.

In my 17 years in Enterprise Technology I’ve seen good leaders and bad leaders. I’ve seen good leaders do bad things. All in, Enterprise Technology needs better leaders. I’m going to do my part to pass it on.

So, why blog? Well, my influence is currently limited to people in my direct sphere at work, and those I connect with over lunch or coffee. Simply put, I’d like to amplify my influence, and I think this blog may be a good way to do it.

So, here goes nothing. This is an experiment. I will aim to publish one blog entry per week for the next year and we’ll see what happens. Feedback is greatly encouraged. I’m not an expert, but perhaps though this blog both you and I can get better at leadership.

8 thoughts on “Welcome to Zach on Leadership!

  1. Zach, I’m definitely not a technology-minded person, but I’m interested in anything that has to do with leadership. So I’m looking forward to reading what you have to say!!

  2. Great topic Zach. Too many managers focus on the technology and not the people, thus causing much of their own pain and not understanding why. I look forward to following your posts on this.

  3. Many interesting things that happen over a course of a career. Being in technology for many years the sphere of influence and responsibility have greatly broadened. We are always learning or should be seeking to learn and understand. Almost all companies now technology is a major part of and I look forward to your blogs as you progress thru the next year and many more.

    1. Thanks Rick! I’m glad to have you along for the journey. You’ve certainly been a great mentor to me over the years and much of what I’ve learned about leadership has come from you.

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